Our Blogs

Can digital marketplace fulfill the online grocery shopper's desire? | Shopurgrocery
Can digital marketplace fulfil the online grocery shopper's desire?

Digital marketplaces provide the option for grocers to bring more products in front of their target audience and expand

How to choose a business model for an online grocery store startup? | Shopurgrocery
How to choose a business model for an online grocery store startup?

The blog here helps you to understand the different business models for an online grocery store startup to choose the

What food retailers must do in this uncertain time of COVID-19 crisis
What food retailers must do in this uncertain time of COVID-19 crisis

Article puts light on what steps food retailers must take to tackle the coronavirus and to get on with their business

How technology can help grocers to prepare for holiday orders? | Shopurgrocery
How technology can help grocers to prepare for holiday orders?

There is a need for grocers amidst the pandemic to rely on technology so as to increase their grocery sales and revenue

A Survey: Most shoppers prefer to buy grocerries online | Shopurgrocery
A Survey: Most shoppers prefer to buy groceries online

A blog which puts light on the various survey statistics about online grocery sales in August 2020 and how it is poised

The Business Idea: How to start a Grocery store | Shopurgrocery
The Business Idea: How to start a Grocery store

Here are some ideas to launch your own grocery store successfully. All you need is a proper plan in place and the

#5 trends will shape supermarkets and grocery shops in 2021
#5 trends will shape supermarkets and grocery shops in 2021

Know more on how technology is going to influence the supermarket and grocery shopping trends. How customers will be

How grocers can brace themselves for the new e-commerce future?
How grocers can brace themselves for the new e-commerce future?

Read our blog to know more about how the grocers are shifting to the online grocery platforms to adopt new eCommerce

10 Killer marketing tactics for your grocery stores | Shopurgrocery
10 Killer marketing tactics for your grocery stores

Get insights on the most relevant and easy to adopt marketing techniques for your grocery stores to make more revenue

How to Start an Online Grocery Delivery With Readymade App?
How to Start an Online Grocery Delivery With Readymade Grocery App?

Find the impacts of readymade grocery ordering & delivery application in your online grocery business to grow and

Why contactless delivery and payment is essential for the grocery business
Why contactless delivery and payment is essential for the grocery business

Here you can find the Importance of contactless delivery and touchless payment for the grocery business during the

The spike of online grocery sales about 40% this year
The spike of online grocery sales about 40% this year

Online grocery sales to grow 40% in 2020 Coresight Research finds Nearly half of shoppers are buying more groceries